Friday, October 22, 2010

"Not So Secret Tips to Get Burglars to Rob Your House"

"The Online Connection that seals the deal…"
"Being robbed is almost never a good thing."

Just the thought of someone smashing to smithereens the door or window just to get into your house,
while they are groping through your stuff, with there slimy hands and taking all the choice bits… it’s unnerving at best. 

Most people who have been robbed will tell you that the worst part isn’t the loss of stuff, which can be replaced, but the loss of their feeling security.

But what if you wanted to be robbed? 
Why on this great earth would you want to be robbed? 

Let’s say you wanted to sell all of your possessions. How long would that take?

A week?
A month?
 Imagine if you could sell it all in one day for $100, $200. Okay maybe $500?
Would you do it?

If the answer is yes and you have insurance, skip the pleasantries and just get robbed!

Just think you didn’t have to have a Yard Sale or maybe you pack up all your stuff and take it to a Flee Market 

For sure you could sell it all for pennies on the dollar. This is where most thieves sell there quick cache and are off to another awaiting opportunity.

But when you have been robbed by these Under-World Entrepreneurs, you soon find that anything of value will be gone, quicker than you think. You won’t even need to pack it, and you’re only on the hook for the deductible. Beats the heck out of the other options, don’t you think?.
“The Internet Connection”
You could be next in line!

Of course not, no one in there right mind would want to go through what my friend describes a reoccurring nightmare. It was something like this...

He would go to work and then come home to find that his castle (home is where you hang your hat) by no means is it a real castle but it was all that he could afford.

The door was hanging off by its hinges and as he cautiously enters, one step at a time. This feeling shutters through his body into the pit of his stomach …

No he didn’t forget to lock the door.

This has gone on for months; he would fix the door and replace the locks. But to no avail it seemed that there was no help in sight even though he kept reporting to the authorities. They couldn’t do anything unless they were called about someone trespassing.

  That would be handy to know when someone is breaking into your house.
From that point on it seemed that this place was on the easy target radar.
He posted no trespassing signs, put up fences...But as fast as he put them up some how they would just disappear.

Ok moving forward most recently in an article online, boasting on the internet about boosting items that was stolen. 

I find it very interesting that in this day an age someone could
  Out Right Steal,lift,appropriate, embezzle,Acquire,
from someone and then have the nerve to openly boast about the boost.

Further investigation has revealed that there are several sites online that give these not so smart burglars a forum and also one in particular supplies photos and even a Google map to all possible locations where they swarm like flies.

Just to devour its contents and move on. 

Just imagine this, that with in a few clicks anyone can and will zero in on what you hold dear to you!
To get to the Bottom of this post is a question:

I would like to propose to you all.
1)      Do you feel that it is alright for someone to take your property-
Just because your not there?

2)      Do you feel that it is alright for a web site to provide information about you, your home - even to the extent that they show photo's that where taken by past buglers

Then post it on that site as a golden opportunity!
In these forums they even laugh and make jokes about there
Escapade mocking the authorities to do something about it 

Now the shambles that they help to create is soon to be doomed, as the structure gives out a resounding gasp. 

My friend is left holding the bag on what to do with the hulk,
(Over $10,000 in damages)
No insurance to cover the damages
because they broke out all the windows,
kicked in walls and what they didn't want
they just strew it where ever...

3)      What do you feel should be done with these who obviously have conspired to do criminal acts on the general public at large.

I would like to hear your thoughts also your comments below. 
I know that there are still good people left out there, if not.

Heaven Help Us!

This is only part-One: Next time
I will Expose the "Confessions of a Burglar."

Book mark this page.. 

I found some interesting articles that will help in your daily security of that you hold dear to you. I hope you find the further reading helpful in quest to have a safe and secure home.

Note: None of these links am I associated with.
(I'm not trying to sell anything to you)
Here are some ways to help protect your property and assets
  • Close all windows and doors and keep them locked.  Home burglars are opportunist.  Leaving a door or window open makes it easier for them to enter your house.
  • Secure sliding glass doors with a metal rod or something sturdy in the track.  Installing vertical bolts will also help prevent burglars from forcing the door open or lifting it off the track.
  • Always lock the door to an attached garage.  Don’t rely on your automatic garage door opener for security.
  • Keep the perimeter of your property well lit.  Installing low voltage outdoor lighting is a cost-effective way to discourage intruders, as well as highlight a house. Outdoor motion sensors, which can activate your burglar alarm, or lighting may also be a good idea.
  • Never leave clues that you are away on a trip.  Ask a neighbor to park in your driveway or in front of your home.
  • Keep some shades and blinds up and curtains open to make it look like someone is at home.
  • Create the illusion that you are home. Using timers on lights, radios and TV’s.  Making your residence appear occupied, even when no one is there, will deter thieves.
  • Never leave a message on your answering machine telling people you aren’t around.
  • Keep your bushes and trees well trimmed away from entrances and walkways.  Hedges provide a hiding place for burglars who need only a minute to break in through a window or door.
  • Organize a community watch program with your neighbors to protect your neighborhood.
  • Installing a home burglar alarm system to make your home less attractive to burglars.  Protect your family and assets from burglary now by Requesting more information from our infrared home security alarm system adviser.
  • Infrared Security Consultants has over 15 years of repairs, installation and maintaining security systems including High definition “HD” MegaPixel ip cctv cameras, infrared night cameras, Wireless burglar alarms and security alarm equipment, Video Access control, Intercoms, perimeter security infrared beams and intruder motion detection sensors to control a PTZ cctv camera, hidden covert spy camera rental and hire
 Thanks for taking the time to read this article and leave a comment.
Take care and will talk soon.
